The road to Diamond calves: Calfs explained

Calfs are infamous for being the hardest muscle to grow due to the fact that we are constantly using them everyday for both walking and stabilization. However there are ways of adjusting your training to promote maximum musculature hypertrophy, but first we need to know the anatomy as well as what the various calf muscles... Continue Reading →

Intelligent Bulking

The process of manipulating your body through exercise and nutrition is undoubtedly a science. Our fitness journeys are merely ongoing scientific experiments we are conducting on ourselves. Therefore, we can use the scientific method to actually come pretty close to figuring out our perfect macronutrient rations in order to facilitate muscle hypertrophy while minimizing fat... Continue Reading →

How to increase your metabolic rate

When researching the topic of increasing your metabolic rate I was inundated with lists of tips and tricks to boost your metabolism, one of which said I could increase my metabolic rate by up to 65% by following what they prescribed. However in these articles no base line was established, leading me to believe the... Continue Reading →

Quads Explained

The anterior portion of the thigh, known as the quadriceps or “quads”, forms one of the biggest muscle groups in the body. There are many schools of thought on how to best train the quads. Some prefer high volume work whereas others may prefer heavy loads at a lower volume. In this article I aim... Continue Reading →

Volume = Gains: German Volume Training

German volume training (GVT) is a training system that was popularised in the mid 1970’s by the German national weight-lifting coach, Rolf Feser. In the past, this training system was used to increase overall lean body mass, in preparation for a competition. What is German volume training? GVT is a training system whereby one performs... Continue Reading →

Hamstrings explained

Anatomy The group of muscles located in the posterior compartment of the thigh consists of the biceps femoris (long and short head), semitendinosus and the semimembranosus and are collectively known as the hamstrings. When acting as a group the hamstrings are responsible for extension at the hip (such as in a good morning) as well... Continue Reading →

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