Volume = Gains: German Volume Training

German volume training (GVT) is a training system that was popularised in the mid 1970’s by the German national weight-lifting coach, Rolf Feser. In the past, this training system was used to increase overall lean body mass, in preparation for a competition. What is German volume training? GVT is a training system whereby one performs... Continue Reading →

Arnold Vosloo: My career in fitness

When I started this blog, I wanted to provide people with the knowledge that would help them achieve their fitness goals and leave them feeling more inspired and motivated. With that being said, from now on, every Monday I will be getting someone that has inspired me to write a guest post on something they... Continue Reading →

Periodisation: How to make sure you are maximising your gains

Periodisation is a fundamental tool when trying to achieve maximum musculature hypertrophy, as it is the logical way in which you organize and sequence your training in order to force muscle adaptation. Periodization is not only used for maximising musculature hypertrophy, its principals can be adapted to almost all forms of training such as strength... Continue Reading →

Odyssey: Part 1

This weeks post will be done in 2 parts. In part one I want to talk about how and why I decided to start Odyssey Athletic. In part two which will be posted next week, I will be discussion my vision for the company and how I intend on making that happen. While I was... Continue Reading →

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