Intelligent Bulking

The process of manipulating your body through exercise and nutrition is undoubtedly a science. Our fitness journeys are merely ongoing scientific experiments we are conducting on ourselves. Therefore, we can use the scientific method to actually come pretty close to figuring out our perfect macronutrient rations in order to facilitate muscle hypertrophy while minimizing fat... Continue Reading →

How to spot correctly

Spotting in weight or resistance training, is the act of supporting another person during a particular exercise andis used for 2 things: It is used to help the person performing the lift (the lifter) get the absolute most out of his set by making it possible for him to do forced reps. It is used to ensure the safety... Continue Reading →

Quads Explained

The anterior portion of the thigh, known as the quadriceps or “quads”, forms one of the biggest muscle groups in the body. There are many schools of thought on how to best train the quads. Some prefer high volume work whereas others may prefer heavy loads at a lower volume. In this article I aim... Continue Reading →

Courtney-Leigh Clarke

Courtney-Leigh Clarke Height: 1.74cm Year round Weight: 69kgs Stage weight: 63kgs Profession: Mental performance professional, Speaker and online conditioning coach Instagram: @courtsclarke345 Facebook: Courtney Clarke Sponsors: Redcon1, Trifocus Fitness Academy, Shrink Toning.   Through my personal journey of 5 years in the industry and my experience working with other individuals, one thing that has been such... Continue Reading →

Periodisation: How to make sure you are maximising your gains

Periodisation is a fundamental tool when trying to achieve maximum musculature hypertrophy, as it is the logical way in which you organize and sequence your training in order to force muscle adaptation. Periodization is not only used for maximising musculature hypertrophy, its principals can be adapted to almost all forms of training such as strength... Continue Reading →

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